The FRBRoo electronic guide helps the user to understand the usefulness and function of FRBRoo v.2.0. It is interactive and the user has the opportunity to manage the time of the presentation, select the information that he is interested in understand specific subjects via exercises or ‘multiple choice’ questions. It aims to help the user to understand the complexity of the Library discourse and to understand that the FRBRoo is designed for describing this complexity. Also it makes explicit that FRBRoo models the reality behind library practices as a whole and not just the library objects and the connections between them. It is suitable for Library Managers, cataloguers as well as IT persons.
The FRBRoo is a formal ontology that captures and represents the underlying semantics of bibliographic information and therefore facilitates the integration, mediation, and interchange of bibliographic and museum information. Such a common view is necessary for the development of interoperable information systems serving users interested in accessing common or related content. Beyond that, it results in a formalisation which is more suited for the implementation of concepts from the FRBR family of conceptual models with object-oriented tools, and which facilitates the testing and adoption of these concepts in implementations with different functional specifications and beyond the library domain. It applies empirical analysis and ontological structure to the entities and processes associated with the bibliographic universe, to their properties, and to the relationships among them. It thereby reveals a web of interrelationships, which are also applicable to information objects in non-bibliographic arenas .
The FRBRoo v. 2.0 represents FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD through modelling the conceptualisation of the reality behind library practice, as it is apparent from or implicit in the FRBR family of models. The intention is to identify the common ground that memory institutions share and to exploit it by pursuing the following objectives.