CIDOC-CRM introduces the concept of Type in order to categorize the instances of all concepts.
CRM’s class E55 Type comprises concepts denoted by terms from thesauri, controlled vocabularies and other KOS used to characterize and classify instances of CRM classes into more detailed categories. Instances of E55 Type represent concepts (classes).That is why E55 Type and any of its subclasses is characterized as a metaclass.
Any CRM entity (with the exception of E59 Primitive value) can be further specialized and can be regarded as instance of E55 Type, inheriting the property P2 has type (is type of).
FRBRoo inherits the concept of E55 type, which gives the possibility to provide a general mechanism for refining the classification of all FRBRoo instances to any level of detail, by linking to external vocabulary sources, thesauri, classification schemas or ontologies.