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Welcome note
Welcome to the FRBRoo tutorial. The aim of this tutorial is to familiarise you with the FRBRoo ontology by providing a detailed presentation of the concepts and the procedures that constitute the core of this conceptual model. To this end, several examples have been used, and different types of exercises are provided for you to experiment with.


Main Screen

The main screen of the FRBRoo tutorial is divided in two areas, the “Options area” and the “Working area”. The “Options area”, which is found on the left part of the screen, is divided in three parts. The top part is the navigation menu which consists of seven categories. The middle part is the “Test your knowledge” section that consists of two options, the quiz and the graph exercises. The third part is the “look for...” which consists of the “Scope notes”, the “Terms” and the “Sources and References”.


Starting the tutorial

From the navigation menu you can navigate between categories or sub-categories. To facilitate the navigation, the menu always displays the current category you are reading in bold letters. 

The slides may present text in bullets, images, graphs etc. For every slide, a brief text explaining the respective content is provided below. To read the whole text move the scroll bar on the right of the text.

To view the next slide, use the slide bar or the arrows at the bottom of the screen. When a set of slides that concern one category finishes, you can move to another using the navigation menu.


Related entities and properties

In the slides, when  entities  are indicated with green (FRBRoo) or blue (CIDOC CRM), you can easily look up the  related scope notes and other information such as superclasses and subclasses, if any, the properties that are related with them, as well as some examples by clicking on the corresponding “related entities” links that  appear under the slide-bar. The information will appear on a new window.

 In the same way, clicking on a related property will display the inverse property, the scope note, superproperties or subproperties, if any, and examples.


Test your knowledge
After reading the tutorial you are welcome to test your knowledge by trying the quiz and the graph exercises.

The “Quiz” includes a number of multiple choice and true/false questions and matching exercises. To view the correct answer you click on next. You can omit a question and move to the next one by clicking on “leave blank”. When you finish the quiz you can see your score.

In the “Graph exercises” each slide contains one or more statements that you are invited to model in FRBRoo and design your own graph on paper. Some information can be modelled in more than one ways. To see the proposed graph click on “See the answer”.


Look for

Scope notes
In FRBRoo tutorial, you have the option to see all the scope notes of the last FRBRoo version’s entities and properties by clicking on “Scope notes” which is found under the “Look for” section at the “options page”

By clicking on “Terms” you can look up the definitions of the terms used in the tutorial, as well as their sources. In some cases, there are links to related terms under “See also”.

Sources and References
Additionally, you can see all the sources and references used for every category of this tutorial, and enrich your comprehension of the FRBRoo and of the other conceptual models presented, such as the CIDOC CRM, FRBR, FRAD and FRSAD.