This column provides encodings of the CIDOC-CRM in different formats, where available. Specifically,
- an RDFS encoding of the corresponding CIDOC-CRM version: The links provide a set of automatically generated RDF files that can be used for implementation, referencing, or any other official purpose. Such links are only provided for versions that are stable and recommended for implementation. The "application/rdf+xml" requests to resolve to the RDFS encoding of the latest stable/official version of CIDOC-CRM.
- the JSON-LD Context ( of the corresponding CIDOC-CRM version: A JSON-LD Context will only be provided for Official and Stable versions. an XML encoding of the corresponding CIDOC-CRM version: It provides a machine-readable format of all class and property declarations. XML links will only be provided for Official and Stable versions.
- the Classes & Properties declarations: Interactive HTML page containing declarations of all classes and properties of the corresponding CIDOC-CRM version, with capability of navigation, visualization, inspection of direct and inherited class properties, and other functionalities. This link will only be provided for Official and Stable versions.
- the Classes & Properties Translations & Versioning: Interactive HTML page containing declarations of all classes and properties of the corresponding CIDOC-CRM version together with translations and versioning information. This link will only be provided for Official and Stable versions.