Reference to Issues: 628:
Update the modelling constructs found under The Model\Use&Learn\Functional Overview, 634:
What is required for expressing current knowledge?, 349:
Belief Values, 636:
update the list of property quantifiers, 360:
LRMoo, 646:
redraft the introduction of CRMinf, 429:
P72 has Language, 651:
CIDOC CRM ontology extension "A multi-causal ontology model" , 439:
Approximate Dimensions, 656:
Reformulate the scope note of P89 falls within, 457:
harmonization of graphical documentation about CRM, 657:
P32 used general technique is not a subproperty of P125 used object of type, 471:
graphical examples, 663:
define Ixx Singleton Proposition Set, 482:
CIDOC CRM interfacing risk assessment in conservation, 664:
redefine the scope note and FOL of P191 had duration, 490:
How to model a file, 665:
Harmonize the quantification of P43 & O12 has dimension (also P179 had sales price), 492:
Spatiotemporal formalization about the presence of parts, 667:
hierarchical dependencies between extensions or through CRMbase?, 670:
replace fictitious example (P11), 556:
Content of the minimal vocabularies for restricting the CIDOC CRM Types, 672:
Quantifiers of P140, P141, P177, 563:
Adoption and governance, 676:
Harmonizing CRMbase logically with CRMgeo, 568:
Incorporate changes in the model implemented by the ISO group to the versioning pipeline of the SIG, 614:
Definition of I4 Proposition Set and what an instance of I2 Belief is about, 627:
explicitly document cross-references btw family models
Meeting Dates: 19 - 22 March, 2024
Announcement Date : 25 July, 2023