Issue 646: redraft the introduction of CRMinf

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 

In the 56th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 &49th FRBR/LRMoo SIG, the SIG resolved to redraft the introduction of CRMinf, making use of the example of the fire burning down Rome and Nero’s contested whereabouts at the time of the fire. It is to be discussed in a new issue. 
HW assigned to PF, TV.

HW: GH  to produce an rdf of the example (once it's ready)

Crete, May 2023

In the 58th CIDOC CRM & 51st FRBR/LRMoo SIG Meeting, the SIG appointed GH and SdS to review the new draft intro to CRMinf (HW by MD) and the examples that have been provided (drawing on Francesca Bologna’s interpretation of Nero’s whereabouts during the Great Fire of Rome), to enhance the introduction with a use case (also produce diagrams). 

  • The draft intro can be found here
  • the statements about Nero’s contested whereabouts during the Great Fire of Rome can be found here

HW: SdS & GH


Paris, March 2024

Current Proposal: 

Post by Eleni Tsouloucha (6 September 2024)

Dear all,

In view of the massive reorganization that CRMinf has been undergoing, and the need to issue a stable version of it sooner than later, I’m sending you
the proposed changes we’ll be discussing and voting for at the SIG meeting. 

You can refer to the (updated [1]) specification document for a better grasp of the ensuing model. It goes without saying that any
comments you have are welcome.

Α summary of the proposed changes can be found below: 

   1. Introduce class One-Proposition Set
   2. Introduce property is encoded by
   3. Introduce property has unambiguous description (describes the formal meaning of)
   4. Introduce property that the formal meaning of (has a meaning belief)
   5. Introduce property contains entity (is contained in) 
   6. Introduce property contains property type (is property type in)
   7. Introduce property has domain (is domain of)
   8. Introduce property has range (is range of) 
   9. Introduce property has property type (is property type of)
   10. Introduce property assigned proposition (is assigned by) 
   11. New example for I2 Belief
   12. Introduction (Scope update, usage examples)

[1] You'll see that classes and properties have been assigned numeric
identifiers in the document, which serves the overall ease of presentation.
They have been clearly marked as under discussion and form part of the
things to be decided on.

All the best,

Reference to Issues: