53rd CIDOC CRM and 46th FRBR CRM
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Reference to Issues:
332:Properties of S10 Material Substantial of CRMsci, 561:Scope note of P139, 536:Properties for assigning dimensions to places and temporal entities, 600:Class/Property labels are not definitions, 494:Scope note guidelines, 588:Common Policy / Method for Implementing the .1 Properties of Base and Extensions in RDF, 461:Attribute Assignment of .1 properties, 576:About ... entity of Type?, 351:Modelling Principles , 562:Automatically produce graphs from the XML implementation of the CIDOC CRM, 538:Documenting the changes in the CRM, 601:publish research questions on the website, 500:Revise examples for E33 Linguistic Object, 590:LRMoo: review of properties--request for comments, 476:Pxx represents entity of type, 577:Official NameSpaces of CRM Extensions?, 541:Small Edits Checklist, 602:determine the interface btw CRMsci and CRMinf, 517:Does the axiom of non-reflexivity follow from the definition of transitivity?, 593:E-vote: LRMoo, deprecation of R10 has member, 478:Quantification of AP2 discarded into (was discarded by), 579:How to model the focus or view of an observation, 360:LRMoo, 564:Tools and formats relevant for the translation work (technical means of the exchange) , 547:CRMdig update, 523:didactic material for the properties of E93 Presence, 594:semantically replacing Recording Event and Externalization Event , 481:scope notes for socP21 and socP22, 582:What counts as an instance of E79 Part Addition?, 384:Template for family models, 565:Defining rules for automatically generating a JSON-LD context , 552:Add URLs to official documentation, 525:Add graphics to the CRMsci definition , 596:Supplementary Documentation , 484:7.0 preparation - missing examples, 584:AP32 discarded into -scope note refinement (formerly called AP29 by mistake), 388:Reference to the measurements of position of things, 566:other serializations useful to autogenerate, 553:Equality and Respect Statement, 526:Named Graph Usage Recommendations / Guideline Document, 597:define irreflexivity and asymmetry , 490:How to model a file, 585:Examples for A7 Embedding, 409:CRMarcheo generalization of the properties AP12 confines and AP11 has physical relation, 569:descriptive text for CRMsci diagrams, 322:Reification of E13, S4 and I1, 554:Examples for E4 Period, 527:Modelling provenance of Intangible Heritage, 598:How to specify possible observable situations in the future, 492:Spatiotemporal formalization about the presence of parts, 586:How to call the model for business transactions , 429:P72 has Language, 571:cardinality constraints for typed properties, 323:Quantification of properties of CRMsci, 556:Content of the minimal vocabularies for restricting the CIDOC CRM Types, 534:Representing .1 properties of full paths in shortcut properties., 599:Editorial Statuses of the CRMbase and family models, 493:example templates, 587:Principles for Modelling Ontologies: A Short Reference Guide [introduction and examples for didactic purposes], 447:A7 Embedding as a Physical Feature like entity, 574:Scope note/range clarification for E80 and P112
Reference to releases:
version 7.1.1 (CIDOC CRM), Version 7.2.1 (CIDOC CRM)
Heraklion, Crete
FORTH-ICS, Crete,Greece
Meeting Dates: 10 - 13 May, 2022
Announcement Date :
2 February, 2022