Issue 409: CRMarcheo generalization of the properties AP12 confines and AP11 has physical relation

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 

Posted by Christian Emil on 6/3/2019

Dear all,
In the Norwegian digital excavation records I have inspected, one records the information that a profile (instance of A10 Excavation Interface) cuts through one or many stratigraphic structures (instances of A8 Strategraphic Unit). This is common in a non-single-context excavation, where vertical profiles are dug through structures, say postholes. This information is currently not possible to express in a CRMarcheo compliant form.  In the text below I argue for a small amendment of CRMarcheo. The proposal is to drop the highly specialized A12 Confines and generalize A12 has physical relation to a property of CRMsci. I have discussed this issue briefly with Gerald Hiebel and Achille Felicetti. ​ All errors are mine.

I attach a small ppt.



****Relevant issues

Issue 283: Add superproperties to properties of CRMarcheo
Issue 337: Excavation Interface

****Earlier discussions:

Outcome of the Berlin meeting (42nd) November 2018:

- the new A10 Excavation Interface class to be included in CRMarchaeo documentation, also there is no need to introduce a new APxx property since O7 confined could be used instead. O7 has as range S10 Material Substantial but this is consistent with S22 Segment of Matter, as once is dug out it corresponds to an S10.

- Adjustment of the range of the property AP4 Created Surface from S20 Rigid Physical Feature  to A10 Excavation Interface

Discussion in the Cologne meeting (40th) January 2018):

The SIG expressed concerns about to many confine properties and suggested that one could introduce a common superclass of the two classes A10 Excavation Interface and A3 Stratigraphic Interface, and also a superclass for the A2 Stratigraphic Volume Unit.

Response to this discussion in the Cologne meeting

In both geological and archaeological stratigraphy, we find the concepts surface/interface and the layer/stratum. A surface/interface has no volume in contrast to a layer/stratum.  The following classes and the connected properties can be used to model geological stratification as well as archaeological:

A2 Stratigraphic Volume Unit

A3 Stratigraphic Interface

A4 Stratigraphic Genesis

A5 Stratigraphic Modification

A7 Embedding

A8 Stratigraphic Unit

The three classes below (and the connected properties) involve actors (humans) and could be used in geological fieldwork and definitely in paleontological fieldwork:

A1 Excavation Process Unit

A6 Group Declaration Event

A9 Archaeological Excavation

The CRMarceo is to a large extent well suited to model geological stratigraphy as well as archaeological.  If there had been a demand for an extension for geology, one should considere a common stratigraphic extension “CRMstrat” for a “CRMgeology” and  CRMarcheo. Since this is not the case, one should stick to CRMarcheo as an extension of CRMsci.  Still CRMarcheo can be simplified by “lifting” some of the properties from CRMarcheo into CRMsci.

For example, in the Norwegian digital excavation records I have inspected, one records the information that a profile (instance of A10 Excavation Interface) cuts through one or many stratigraphic structures (instances of A8 Strategraphic Unit). This is common in a non-single-context excavation, where vertical profiles are dug through structures, say postholes. This information is currently not possible to express in a CRMarcheo compliant form.  There are at least two solutions:

Solution 1

Extend CRMarcheo with two properties similar to AP11 has physical relation (is physical relation of):

APxx  has physical relation (is physical relation of):

Domain:A10 Excavation Interface

Range: A8 Stratigraphic Unit

APyy  has physical relation (is physical relation of):

Domain:A10 Excavation Interface

Range: A10 Excavation Interface

In addition one will need a new property

Ayy confines (is confined by)

Domain: A10 Excavation Interface

Range:A2 Strategraphic Unit

Solution 2

Lift (generalize)   the domain and range AP11 has physical relation (is physical relation of) to ‘S20 Rigid Physical Feature’ and either keep it as a property of CRMarcheo or better make it a new property in CRMsci. The property AP11.1 has type will be replaced by a .1 for the new property.

Use  the CRMsci property O7 confined (was confined by)  everywhere and delete AP12 confines (is confined by) 

To avoid this proliferation of properties , the following proposal is made:


1)      Delete AP12 confines (is confined by)  and use O7 confined (was confined by)

2)      Lift (generalize) the domain and range of AP11 has physical relation (is physical relation of) to ‘S20 Rigid Physical Feature’ make it a new property in CRMsci.

Oxx has physical relation (is physical relation of)

Domain: S20 Rigid Physical Feature

Range: S20 Rigid Physical Feature

The property AP11.1 has type will be replaced by a Oxx.1 for the new property.



The name of AP11 is misleading since it indicate that the range instance is the type of relation and not another stratigraphic layer/surface which is in relation to the domain instance​.  The cardinality should be (0,n, 0,n) and not (0,n:0,1).   A draft of the new property can be

APxx  is in physical relation to

S20 Rigid Physical Feature
Range: S20 Rigid Physical Feature

Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)

Scope note: This property identifies the physical relationship between two
S20 Rigid Physical Feature. The type of physical relationships is documented through the property  Oxx.1 has type

Properties: Oxx.1 has type: E55 Type

Example can be taken from archaeology and geology


Current Proposal: 

In the 43rd joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 36th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig reviewed the proposals put forth by CEO and decided against the introduction of 

a)    a new APxx has physical relation (is physical relation of) –D & R set to A10 Excavation Interface and A8 Stratigraphic Unit, respectively –and a new APyy has physical relation (is physical relation of) –D & R set to A10 Excavation Interface. 
b)    a new Oxx has physical relation (is physical relation of)  –D & R set to R 20 Rigid Physical Feature
c)    a new APxx has physical relation (is physical relation of) –D & R set to R 20 Rigid Physical Feature. 

Final the sig decided the  things are to be kept as are and make a tutorial for archeologists. 
HW to CEO to revise scope note of AP 11 if you want to show that a stratigraphic unit is actually on top of another. That if that’s what one is trying to model, they should go for AP11 rather than a topological relation.

Details of the discussion may be found here

Heraklion, March 2019

In the 44th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 37th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting,given the complexity of the topological relations linking stratigraphic units to excavation units, the sig appointed SS and CEO to write a FAQ document on that (HW). 

Paris, June 2019

Post by Christian-Emil Smith Ore on the CIDOC CRM mailing list (14 February 2022)

Dear all,
The issue 409 is starting to get old. The last decision was from June 2019 and is as follows

"In the 44th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 37th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting,given the complexity of the topological relations linking stratigraphic units to excavation units, the sig appointed SS and CEO to write a FAQ document on that (HW).


Some years ago the sig  decided that the idea of FAQs is dropped. The essence of the issue 409 is interesting. In my opinion the recommendations should be included in the scope not some time in the future. It is, however, not a good practice to keep issues open indefinitely. I suggest that the issue 409 is closed. It is always possible to open a new issue. 

I call for an e-vote:


  • YES to close the issue 409
  • NO to keep the issue 409 open
  • VETO is the e-vote should be canceled.



Post by Achille Felicetti (14 February 2022)

Dear Christian-Emil, all,

I suggest closing this issue but not abandoning this topic which I still consider extremely interesting.
A new issue that allows us to discuss about it could be an excellent compromise.

So I vote YES + "please open a new issue".

Thanks and ciao,

Post by Martin Doerr (14 February 2022)

YES to close


In the 53rd CIDOC CRM & 46th FRBRoo SIG meeting, CEO informed the Sig that the votes to close this issue were 5 (2 through the Sig list, the others through personal communication). There was no veto. 
Issue closed 


May 2022