Issue 544: CRMtex: Fragment Ordering

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

Post by Martin Doerr (17 June 2021)

Dear All,

I propose a new class TXxxx Fragment Order Reconstruction:

"This class comprises activities of arranging physical text fragments in a way that attempts to reconstruct their original position in a text fragmented and often only partially preserved. It includes evident from shape, material structure and the sense that reading makes. It may even use as argument similar, more completely preserved texts."

Comment: I was shown in a conservation lab the ordering of sequences of Chinese characters, worm-bitten in a way that each character was isolated on another fragment. The ancient ink actually contained an insecticide.

All the best



In the 57th CIDOC CRM & 50th FRBR/LRMoo SIG Meeting, the SIG resolved to close the issue on the grounds that there's a marked preference for using CRMinf to arrange physical text fragments. 
It is not much different from the reasoning involved in archaeological restorations, or rearranging sherds, or statues, buildings, papyri etc. The same principles of inferring would apply to solving a jigsaw. It should be a more generic construct expressed in CRMinf. 
The class is understood to be only useful in an ad hoc case. 

If anyone wants to start a new issue about reconstructions in general, for CRMinf, they should do so, but make sure to make a proposal in a way that it can be decided upon. Not by simply suggesting the addition of Class X.

Marseille, October 2023