This property records the E42 Object Identifier used for a particular instance of E19 Physical Object.
It is intended primarily for museum identification numbers, such as object numbers, inventory numbers, registration numbers or accession* numbers. * (Note that the identification of the E8 Acquisition Event is sometimes mistaken for the identification of the acquired objects themselves).
P47 is identified by (identifies) is a sub-property of P1 is identified by (identifies). The range of P47 is identified by (identifies) is restricted to E42 Object Identifier.
The property is a shortcut that associates an E42 Object Identifier directly with an object. It says nothing about when and where an E42 Object Identifier was assigned, nor by whom.
A more detailed representation can be made using the fully developed (i.e. indirect) path from E19 Physical Object through P36 registered (was registered by), E15 Identifier Assignment, P37 assigned (was assigned by) to E42 Object Identifier.