This property associates an instance of E41 Appellation with another instance of E41 Appellation that constitutes a derivative or variant of the former and that may also be used for identifying items identified by the former, in suitable contexts, independent from the particular item to be identified. This property should not be confused with additional variants of names used characteristically for a single, particular item, such as individual nicknames. It is an asymmetric relationship, where the range expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. The relationship is not transitive.
Multiple names assigned to an object, which do not apply to all things identified with the specific instance of E41 Appellation, should be modelled as repeated values of P1 is identified by (identifies) of this object.
P139.1 has type allows the type of derivation to be refined, for instance “transliteration from Latin 1 to ASCII”.