This property associates an instance of E92 Spacetime Volume with another instance of E92 Spacetime Volume that falls within the latter. In other words, all points in the former are also points in the latter.
This property describes an instance of E4 Period, which falls within the E53 Place and E52 Time-Span of another.
The difference with P9 consists of (forms part of) is subtle. Unlike P9 consists of (forms part of), P10 falls within (contains) does not imply any logical connection between the two periods and it may refer to a period of a completely different type.
This property associates an instance of E92 Spacetime Volume with another instance of E92 Spacetime Volume that falls within the latter. In other words, all points in the former are also points in the latter.This property is transitive.
This property is transitive and reflexive.
This property describes an instance of E4 Period which falls within the E53 Place and E52 Time-Span of another. The difference with P9 consists of (forms part of) is subtle. Unlike P9 consists of (forms part of) P10 falls within (contains) does not imply any logical connection between the two periods and it may refer to a period of a completely different type.
This property associates an instance of E92 Spacetime Volume with another instance of E92 Spacetime Volume that falls within the latter. In other words, all points in the former are also points in the latter.This property is transitive and reflexive.
This property links an E69 Death event to the E21 Person that died.
A Death event may involve multiple people, for example in the case of a battle or disaster.
This is not intended for use with general Natural History material, only people.