41st CIDOC CRM and 34th FRBR CRM
Related presentations:
Hosted by:
Reference to Issues:
371:E74 Group (from LRMoo discussions), 326:Resolving inconsistences between E2, E4, E52 and E92, 372:Not duplicate CRM classes in LRMoo: case F10 Person, 332:Properties of S10 Material Substantial of CRMsci, 373:Managing CRM and CRM extension versions, 336:Assistance for reducing to core CRM model, 374:Scope note of E94 Space Primitive, 339:References to the examples of CRM text, 375:Scope note of P8 took place on or within, 340:Classes without properties, 384:Template for family models, 345:properties having domain or range deprecated classes, 347:Dimension and Data sets, 358:CRMsoc and scope of CRM modules, 360:LRMoo, 361:Recording an E41 in RDF, 191:Range of P31, 363:Form and persistence of RDF identifiers, 275:Space primitive, 364:Create Profile Markup Language/Schema / Ontology Profiles, 277:Adjustment of the scope note of E55 Type, 365:A top-level ontology on which CRM and all its extensions will be depended, 288:Issue about P82 and P81 usage, 366:Belief conditions for the input data of the data evaluation process, 293:How to determine observable entities?, 367:E13 Attribute Assignment, 294:E55 Type relations, 369:Timed relations, 317:Time Appellation
Reference to releases:
Version 6.2.3 (CIDOC CRM)
The location of the meeting will be:
Centre de la Recherche
18 rue Chevreul
69007 Lyon
coordinates: 45.74934, 4.83787
This location is in the university district, near the city centre.
Nearest tramway or metro stations:
"Quai Claude Bernard" on tramway T1 line.
"Centre Berthelot" on tramway T2 line.
"Jean Macé" on metro B line.
Transportation network website: http://www.tcl.fr (Fares: http://www.tcl.fr/en/Fares/Fares )
Recommended hotels:
In the immediate neighbourhood:
the most nearest hotel (3 min walk) is B&B Lyon Centre Perrache Berthelot, a brand new one - http://www.hotel-bb.com/en/hotels/lyon-centre-perrache-berthelot.htm
another nearby hotel is Hôtel du Helder, a traditional one - http://hotel-helder.fr/
There's a lot of hotels on the other side of the Rhône river, in the centre of Lyon - 2nd district (69002). Not far from the Lyon Perrache railway station and the meeting place (around 15 min walk). For example:
Hôtel du Simplon - https://www.hotel-simplon-lyon.com/
Hôtel Vaubecour - http://www.hotelvaubecour-lyon.com/
Hôtel des Savoies - https://www.hotel-des-savoies.fr/
But any hotel in Lyon or Villeurbanne city limits near a metro or tramway station could be fine.
How to reach Lyon:
By plane:
Lyon Saint-Exupéry airport (LYS)
Airport shuttle to city centre (to Lyon Part-Dieu railway and metro station): https://www.rhonexpress.fr/en
By train:
Lyon Part-Dieu station
Lyon Perrache station (15 min walk from the meeting location and recommended hotels)
Lyon, France
Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes (LARHRA), Lyon, France
Meeting Dates: 22 - 25 May, 2018
Announcement Date :
7 April, 2017