Issue 237: Amendments to the ISO 21127

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

In the 29th CRM-SIG meeting (Crete October 2013) it was decided to upload to the issues list the differences between ISO 21127 2013 and CIDOC CRM 5.0.4

The differences between ISO 21217 2013 and CIDOC CRM 5.0.4 are described here

Current Proposal: 

In 32nd meeting, the CRM-SIG decided to create a version 5.0.5 which will be similar to ISO. Differences between these two versions should be issues .

In 34th meeting, reviewing 5.0.5 version, the CRM-SIG  decided to exempt the things that we have semantic concern. We will accept the rest and we will make issues all the differences

Heraklion, October, 2015


In the 36th joined meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 and the 29th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig discsussed about the differences between the version 5.0.5 and the second revision of ISO 21127 and decided  to make statement that v5.0.5 is the same except the compliance statement adding a citation to the second edition of ISO standard. Also comments  (in footnotes) should be added to version 5.0.5  to the  parts that are considered wrong.

The issue is closed

Heraklion 1/8/2016