Issue 139: Change the example of property P5 consists of (forms part of)

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

The example now reads: Ruination of the Tower of Babylon (E3) consists of wind-erosion phase (E3)

Current Proposal: 

Should be changed because it describes an extended event rather than a condition state.


The example is wrong, ICS will give a new example.

Edinburgh 10/7/2007

New Example:
State of the ruined Parthenon (E3 Condition State) consists of a bombarded state (E3 Condition State) from the explosion of a Venetian shell in 1687 ca 1895.

Discussion about the new example led to the decision that, in order for it to be accepted in the CIDOC CRM document, citation was needed.

Nuremberg, December 2007

Reference for the new example
The Venetians in Athens and the Destruction of the Parthenon in 1687
Theodor E. Mommsen, American Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 45, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1941), pp. 544-556 

Heraklion May, 2008

New Example 
The Condition State of the ruined Parthenon (E3 Condition State) consists of (P5) a bombarded state (E3 Condition State) from the explosion of a Venetian shell in 1687

London, November 2008